Tuesday 8 October 2013

Right Brain ..

Assalamualaikum and Morning guyss....!!

How about your day..?

Now..! i planning go to gym..
And before i go i need to brief abou right brain..
What function right brain...? How to use right brain..? Who dominance using right brains..
and i know has many question about right brain right..?

Lets me tell you about right Brain..??

Before Presentation in creative and critical thinking class..

Group work.. bechelor in graphic design student

Right brain is very dominance with people who are left-handed..
Why i say like that..?when im do some research with left-handed people they has a creativity and they is very emosianal when them try to purpose their self.Beside that,right brain user is more love to art and music.But right brain user is not like something logic .. they like think out of the box..but they must know how big their box.. haha.. i need go now..!! bye2..


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